Sacred Plant Medicine

This Sacred Medicine knows you perfectly, she knows exactly where, when and what time you will drink She knows specifically what you need and what you need taken away… and the precise moment you require it.
Drinking this Sacred Medicine, it’s not taking a brew; It is dagger medicine to pierce past your mind, past your heart into the deepest depths of your Soul revealing the trust-filled caverns of your Self and all that ever is…
You are receiving a glass of your Divine Soul Self, individualized medicine that opens and invites the most deep surrender, trust and letting go; journeying you to YOUR place of Truth… that place that has always been deep within you… the place of re-Awakening.

Are you ready to embrace it?

I want to offer you a prediscovery call to discuss whether this Sacred Medicine is fit for you. It’s a brief, confidential chat to explore your intentions and concerns.

You may schedule a call below:

Loving you far deeper than you may ever now know

Grandmother Medicine

When you partake, you slam open the doors of unfathomable revelations of your Self in countless ways, on limitless dimensions and immeasurable timeline: past, present, and future.
In and from this most Sacred place, you are not receiving truth from someone else; a guru, a shaman, a culture or belief system In and from this place, you receive Your OWN Truth, to begin to feel, experience, explore, express, discover, comprehend and Be what it is truly like to Be YOU in ALL of your Glory and Greatness.
To transform and know your Self beyond ALL imagination. Introducing you to see deeply, to see your Self as you have never seen before

For the ego, taking This Sacred Medicine is most dangerous.

The fire and light of the Soul torch that This Sacred Medicine infuses from deep within you fiercely burns away and annihilates that which is not you.
The ALL of you will be shaken to its deepest core…insomuch that the crucible of death may be openly welcomed, as the armored plates of harshness, hardness, hatred, anger, rage, madness, confusion, chaos, embarrassment, humiliation, ridicule, shame, arrogance, conceit, uncertainty, disconnection, lack of confidence, self esteem, self worth and self-respect and ALL forms of being defiled, traumatic experiences and deep core wounds and ALL that which is NOT Love are unsympathetically shattered and stripped away from you.
ALL your choices and ways of Being, past and present, will be called into deep question, profound reflection and altered view.
Through intense explosions of mind-bending realizations, suddenly, you begin to see- seeing yourself one with ALL enormous possibilities of being the real You… who governs each and every part of your entire Life, being one with ALL ​
This Sacred Medicine GIVES you the power to see far past any and ALL Untruth, deception and deceit, grief, fear, torment, suffering, wound, trauma and terror. To finally feel what you have suppressed, pushed aside and would not, could not, allow yourself to feel… until…right… now… within the safety, security and protection of Divine Love … while introducing you to your Soul. ​
One who knows and lives THEIR Truth, can not be deceived. The living Spirit of this Sacred Medicine does not heal anything. She simply, lovingly, shines light upon the darkness… YOUR darkness… ALL darkness… so you deeply see, feel, sense, experience and Know… far past anything you could ever imagine.
After you have discovered, viewed and experienced what is to be realized for now: she dims, then turns off HER light and allows you to simply, gently, BE with the experience of connecting and being with and momentarily being as your Highest and Greatest Self.
She surrounds you… she Lovingly holds you in the Love and Light of Universal Oneness to integrate the totality of your most Divine experience.
Her most sincere, most Loving intention is to fully empower and enliven YOU to call in, take back and own ALL Your power, ALL Your Authority… assisting, guiding you to come Alive, Conscious, Connected, Deliberate, Independent, Powerful, Strong like Lightning, Sovereign and Free again.
Resurrecting ALL Your beauty… ALL your gifts and abilities… ALL your Being your greatest and Highest Self in Peace, Joy and Sacred Service… all as fast as you are able.

She loves you far deeper than you may ever now know

Here and Now


Psychic surgery involves addressing emotional traumas or physical discomfort without the use of physical instruments.

Discomfort or illness may arise from imbalances in the body's energy system or unresolved emotional issues.

During a psychic surgery session, the healer and the person seeking healing create a safe, sacred space, often calling upon spiritual guides or energies to support the process.

The healer identifies the root cause of the individual's discomfort and works on their energy field using spiritual tools such as hands, crystals, or ceremonial objects.

This practice seeks to release blockages and heal past traumas, resulting in emotional release, catharsis, and healing.

Psychic surgery addresses emotional traumas or physical discomfort without the use of physical tools.

Illness and discomfort often stem from imbalances in the body’s energy system or unresolved emotional issues.

During a psychic surgery session, both the healer and the individual seeking healing create a sacred and safe space, calling upon spiritual guides or energies to assist in the process.

The healer identifies the root cause of the person’s ailment, then works on their energy field using spiritual tools such as hands, crystals, or ceremonial objects.

This practice aims to release blockages and traumas, leading to emotional release, catharsis, and healing

Psychic surgery is a spiritual practice used to address emotional traumas or physical discomfort without traditional medical instruments.

Illnesses and discomfort may arise from imbalances in the body’s energy system or unresolved emotional issues that are often overlooked by conventional medicine.

During a session, the healer and the person seeking healing create a sacred, safe environment by invoking spiritual guides or energies to assist in the process.

The healer identifies the root cause of the person’s ailment, then works on the energy field using tools like their hands, crystals, or ceremonial objects such as native charms.

The aim of the process is to release energy blockages and heal past traumas, offering a sense of emotional release, relief, and overall healing.

Psychic surgery is a spiritual practice used to address emotional traumas or physical discomfort without traditional medical instruments.

Illnesses and discomfort may arise from imbalances in the body’s energy system or unresolved emotional issues that are often overlooked by conventional medicine.

During a session, the healer and the person seeking healing create a sacred, safe environment by invoking spiritual guides or energies to assist in the process.

The healer identifies the root cause of the person’s ailment, then works on the energy field using tools like their hands, crystals, or ceremonial objects such as native charms.

The aim of the process is to release energy blockages and heal past traumas, offering a sense of emotional release, relief, and overall healing.

Psychic surgery is a practice aimed at addressing emotional traumas or physical discomfort without the use of traditional physical instruments.

Discomfort or illness can stem from imbalances within the body’s energy system or unresolved emotional issues.

In a psychic surgery session, the healer and the individual work together to create a sacred, safe space, often calling upon spiritual guides or energies to assist in the healing process.

The healer assesses the root cause of the individual’s ailment, then manipulates their energy field using spiritual tools such as hands, crystals, or ceremonial objects.

This process helps clear energy blockages and past traumas, resulting in a sense of release, emotional catharsis, and healing.

It's a journey of profound transformation and empowerment, and I'm committed to walking alongside you every step of the way, providing guidance and support.

The space within the womb serves as an emotional storage unit, akin to a cluttered drawer where we stash away memories of past relationships, lovers, and emotional experiences, as well as trauma.

These energetic imprints often remain hidden in our subconscious, creating barriers within our womb space (or the Hara for men), which can impede our emotional and spiritual growth.

Moreover, the womb space is not merely a repository of emotional baggage; it also serves as a source of profound wisdom and creative energy.

It is the place where we give birth not only to new life but also to fresh ideas, projects, and intentions. This birthing process extends beyond the physical realm, encompassing energetic manifestations of our aspirations and endeavors.

However, when energetic blocks accumulate within this space, located in our sacral chakra, we may feel stuck and disconnected.

Without the free flow of our vital life force energy, known as Shakti, clarity eludes us, and our potential remains untapped.

Our wombs are sacred portals through which spirit enters the physical realm, whether it be in the form of a newborn baby or the inspiration to manifest an idea. Recognizing and addressing these energetic blocks is crucial for unleashing our creative power and reclaiming our inherent clarity and strength.

I'm dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment where you can navigate and heal any emotional pain or grief you may be carrying, whether it stems from experiences like miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortions. Each session is tailored to your individual needs and circumstances, prioritizing deep relaxation and inner healing.

During our sessions, we'll create a safe and supportive environment where you can relax deeply and access the depths of your subconscious mind.

Through gentle guidance and hypnosis techniques, we'll explore the possibility of past lives and the potential influence they may have on your present experiences.

It's important to approach this process with an open heart and an open mind, allowing whatever memories or insights that arise to be acknowledged and processed without judgment.

The benefits of past life regression therapy are vast. By delving into past lives, we may uncover patterns, traumas, or unresolved issues that are impacting your current life.

Bringing these to light can lead to profound healing and transformation.

Throughout our sessions, I'll be here to support you every step of the way, offering guidance and encouragement as you navigate this deeply personal journey.

Together, we'll work towards releasing any emotional or energetic blockages that may be holding you back and empowering you to live your life more fully and authentically.

It's important to remember that the experiences and insights you gain during past life regression therapy are deeply personal and subjective. While some may approach this work from a spiritual perspective, others may view it through a more psychological lens. Whatever your beliefs may be, my role is to support you in your journey towards greater self-awareness and healing.

By exploring different plants, such as ayahuasca, psilocybin mushrooms, or herbal remedies, you may uncover deeper insights about yourself and your life’s purpose. This journey encourages self-discovery, healing, and balance, guiding you towards a more harmonious existence.

These ceremonies typically involve guided meditation, music, and sharing, creating a communal space for self-reflection and emotional release. By engaging with cacao in this way, individuals can tap into their intuition, foster creativity, and promote healing, making it a powerful practice for personal growth and connection.

Each moment of growth adds depth, like the layers of flavor in a hearty stew, transforming obstacles into stepping stones for future success.